657 Camino de los Mares, Suite 242
San Clemente, CA 92673
3 Main Types
of Skin Cancer
Basal Cell Carcinoma
The most common and least serious is the basal cell carcinoma (BCC) which typically appears as a shiny, small lump on sun-exposed skin. It may bleed, develop a crust, seem to heal, and then bleed again. Although these tumors grow slowly, they can become very large and penetrate deeply.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
The second type of skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which may appear as a bump, a red scaly growth, or an ulcer. SCC can spread beyond the skin to the lymph nodes and internal organs, and can even cause death.
Melanoma is the least common but most serious form of skin cancer. It usually appears as a dark brown or black mole with uneven boarders and irregular colors, or has shades of black, blue, red, or white. Melanoma most commonly occurs on the upper backs of men and on the lower legs of women. It also can develop on the face, scalp, fingers, toes, and any other area of the body. There is a rare form of melanoma that occurs in families with many unusual or atypical moles, some of which may need to be removed to avoid problems.
Skin Cancer and Treatment
Skin cancer is occurring in epidemic proportions worldwide and we're seeing an alarming number of skin cancers right here in Orange County. Dr. Green excises about 1000 skin cancers a year.
Skin cancer is most common cancer in the United States
Melanoma, the most aggressive and lethal form of skin cancer, is increasing at a faster rate than any other form of cancer.
Melanoma is also the most common form of cancer to affect men and women age 25 to 29.
Skin cancer is virtually 100% preventable.
Sunlight is overwhelmingly the culprit in the vast majority of skin cancers. However, tanning beds have now also become a significant cause of skin cancer. It is believed that the increasing rates of melanoma are likely due to the millions of Americans who frequent tanning parlors. Claims that tanning beds are safe are comparable to the tobacco industry claiming for years that smoking was safe. Tanning parlors potentially can be even more dangerous than natural sunlight because people can do it easily all year round; rain or shine.
So how much sun is safe? Unfortunately, there is no safe amount. All sunlight exposure is cumulative.
And remember this. A tan is nothing more than a defense mechanism your skin uses to protect itself like a shield from the harmful radiation from sunlight.
What about Vitamin D? Ten to fifteen minutes of sunlight two to three times a week would give you adequate Vitamin D. However, even this isn't necessary as it is easier and safer to just take a daily Vitamin D3 supplement.
Of course we live in Southern California and most enjoy an outdoor lifestyle. And that's fine. Just be smart and wear sunscreen and protective clothing.
And most importantly, people should know that today's sunscreens are safe and effective. Almost all work well. If sunscreens fail it's usually due to under application or failure to reapply. The correct amount of sunscreen, if doing a total body application, would be the size of a golf ball. And it's best to reapply sunscreen every two hours.
And remember it's always a good idea to have a check up with a dermatologist. Skin cancer is 100% curable if caught early.
Skin Cancer Treatment
Treatment for skin cancer varies according to the location, size, aggressiveness of the cancer, and the patient’s general health. In most cases, the dermatologist will take a small piece of the abnormal growth for an evaluation (biopsy) to determine whether it is malignant. The tissue is examined under a microscope. Malignant tumors may require additional treatment.